
Making A Clear Difference

Being the Text of a Speech Presented by Governor Alex Otti to the Abia State House of Assembly on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Draft of the 2024 State Budget on December 12, 2023 at the House of Assembly Complex, Umuahia


  1. I stand before you, Mr Speaker, Honourable Members, fellow Abians, friends and well-wishers with a great sense of responsibility, grateful for the sacred honour to present the 2024 budget proposal to this Honourable Assembly and offer our people at home and in the diaspora, an insight into our holistic plans and programmes for the rebuilding and restoration of our advantages as a state, in ways that stimulate the economy, create jobs for our teeming youth population and set us on a new development trajectory, in line with the promises that brought us to power.
  2. Twelve months ago, we were in your communities and clans selling our ideas for a New Abia to the electorates, making a strong case that we must take a new direction in order to fulfil the inherent promise of this great land. Three months later, precisely on March 18, 2023, you elected us to lead the state. The message of our electoral victory was direct: the people want a clear break from the past. They want a New Abia, a state where government works in service of the common people, and not just the privileged few.
  3. We took office on May 29 this year with a firm resolve to commit everything at our disposal to the service of our great state. I consider the opportunity to serve our people at this time the greatest honour of my life.
  4. It would be proper at this point to commend the leadership and members of the State House of Assembly for the smooth and harmonious relationship that exists between the executive and legislative arms of government. The judiciary in the state has also been very outstanding in the very challenging work of setting the tone for the New Abia, a land where justice would be the first condition of humanity. The understanding and respect that underpin our relationship as different arms of government have been very central to the modest progress that has been recorded across critical sectors in the last 6 months.
  5. While it is true that we hit the ground running from the very minute the oath of office was administered, setting out the appropriate institutional frameworks for immediate evacuation of the mountains of refuse that had taken over the streets of our major cities, amongst other key deliverables, we were also not unmindful of the fact that the budgetary foundation of the government for the 2023 fiscal year did not come from us. We were therefore constrained in so many ways, even when we tried as much as the law allowed to redirect government expenditures to areas of utmost priorities to meet the immediate demands of responsible governance.
  6. Mr Speaker, Honourable Members, we are fulfilled to announce that several roads that were previously impassable, including MCC by Old Express, Umuimo and Udeagbala roads in Aba have been completely reconstructed and opened for public use. To mark our first 100 days in office, we rehabilitated and commissioned Cemetery Phase 1, Shallom and Emelogu Roads, all in Aba.
  7. In October, we made good our promise, shortly after our electoral victory, to contract a reputable civil engineering company for the rehabilitation of the long- abandoned Port Harcourt Road in Aba. Mr Speaker, Honourable Members and fellow Abians, it gives me great joy to report that for weeks now, Julius Berger, one of the biggest names in road construction and civil engineering projects have been at work on Port Harcourt Road, deploying the most sophisticated equipment and engineering professionals to the job because we made it clear that in the New Abia, we either get the best or nothing.
  8. With a completion timeline of not more than 18 months, our expectation is that by the beginning of 2025, we shall see a boom in economic activities along that corridor, with many of the businesses that left years ago returning, in addition to several new ones.
  9. In Umuahia, we are speedily completing the Ossah- Abia Tower/Okpara Square road reconstruction and expansion project for smooth flow of traffic into the capital city. It is our firm belief that the major entry points to the capital city should make a statement. It is in the light of this that work would soon start from the boundary in Onuimo to the Abia Tower. This is in addition to several palliatives works going on in most parts of the city to improve intra-city transportation, as well as support business activities along important economic corridors.
  10. Beyond our modest progress in the restoration of urban road infrastructure, we are also working in several communities across the state to enable the seamless movement of our people and transportation of agro-commodities from the rural to the urban centres and improve travel experience from one part of the state to another. With the coming of the new mayors, we hope to see even greater progress in the rehabilitation of rural roads.
  11. We are very particular about road construction because of our understanding that roads are major economic enablers, aiding trade and commerce, supporting agriculture as well as boosting the appeal of our major cities to both residents and investors.
  12. Our ambition has been constrained by the very limited resources at our disposal but we have been very innovative in our approach to dealing with the challenges that confront us. To make up for the shortfalls in resources, we returned the core engineering team of the State Ministry of Works to the field, under the Direct Labour Agency, creating an environment that encourages them to deploy their professional expertise more practically and I can tell you that the results have been fantastic.
  13. In addition to expanding the network of motorable roads in the state, we have also taken special interest in healthcare delivery services and education. In health, we have successfully renovated the long-abandoned Abia State Specialist Hospital and Diagnostics Centre, the Eye Clinic at the facility can now compete favourably with the best anywhere in the country and across the state, gradual renovation and rehabilitation works are taking place across the general hospitals.
  14. Furthermore, access to healthcare in the state has improved especially with the free medical services initiative of the administration which will run until the end of the year in all public healthcare facilities. Thousands of Abians in rural and urban communities have benefited from this project which covers diagnostics and laboratory services, counselling and supply of drugs.
  15. In the education sector, we are also making tremendous improvements in the teaching and learning environment with strategic investments in the renovation of schools across the 17 LGAs of the state. We are also working hard to return professionalism to the teaching profession through regular training and retraining programmes. We are determined to improve the competences of our teachers in tune with the demands of the modern world.
  16. For our administration, the focus is to turn the schools into a fit-for-purpose environment for the training of world champions, young men and women with the skills to compete with their peers from all parts of the world.
  17. We are working to phase out rote learning and over the next few years, we shall migrate to new learning platforms and methods that are designed to not just make learning more effective, but also prepare the pupils and students for the realities of the world they are living in.
  18. In the education and health sectors, the morale of the personnel has been boosted with regular payment of salaries and other entitlements. Our teachers and health workers, like their counterparts in other sectors, now know when to expect their salaries and can plan accordingly. Not for once have they been disappointed in the last 6 months.
  19. Umu nne m Ndi Abia, we have also made great strides in security through proper support to the security agencies including procurement of operational vehicles and other hardware necessary for effective security operations in all parts of the state, including prompt response in periods of emergencies.
  20. We launched Operation Crush in August this year to deal with the menace of violent crimes. I am glad to report that our determination to make the state safe for residents and investors has seen us diminish the capacity of the criminals to strike in any part of the state. Although we still have pockets of challenges in a few places, the verdict is that Abia is now one of the safest places to live and do business.
  21. Our Light UP Abia has seen us invest extensively in the procurement and installation of solar-energy powered lights for major streets in our urban centres. We have since extended the project to LGA headquarters across the state and the logic is simple: in addition to extending business hours for our entrepreneurs, proper street lighting also aids security as no criminal likes to operate under the light.
  22. I promised on my inauguration that our government shall work to expand the frontiers of opportunities for our youth population. I am glad to report that in the last 3 months, we have, through the ministries of digital economy and SMEs, budget and planning and several other organs of the executive arm of government pioneered initiatives that are structured to improve the skills of our youths, especially their ICT skills, to enable them profit from the boundless opportunities of the new global economic system.
  23. Working in conjunction with major partners including global tech giants, the state has successfully trained thousands of youths in various ICT skills to support their readiness for the global job market.
  24. We are desirous to see a boom in the ICT space in the state and this explains why we have created a robust system that exposes our young people to the abundance of opportunities in the sector for gainful employment and successful entrepreneurship. The target is to steer our young people away from the temptations of dishonest living and offer them a platform to apply themselves to dignifying ventures.
  25. Across communities, we have expanded the structure of our partnership programmes with multilateral organisations to promote transparency and accommodate more vulnerable households in the light of the continuing shocks of the post-COVID-19 pandemic and the removal of fuel subsidy by the federal government. We have committedly supported as many vulnerable households and individuals as our resources can carry in pursuance of the administration’s social support system aimed at reducing extreme poverty which continues to assault the dignity of our people in several communities.
  26. Today’s budget presentation is therefore significant in many ways; first it is the first full year budget by our government. We have deliberately structured the key items in the budget to reflect the priorities of the administration on very important frontiers especially road infrastructure, human capital development, health and human services, social support initiatives, digitalisation of the service delivery mechanisms of the government for efficiency amongst other objectives which are strategically tailored towards opening up the economy to local and global investors.
  27. Our goal is to consolidate on the modest gains made in the 2023 budget cycle, especially in the last six months where our strategic investments in public infrastructure and social services, in addition to consistently meeting our obligations to civil servants and pensioners have combined to enable us keep the economy afloat in what has been a very difficult season as a result of certain realities that are not of our making, especially the removal of fuel subsidy, massive depreciation of the Naira and the many other economic headwinds the country is grappling with.
  28. As Mr Speaker and Honourable Members of this House are also aware, we have seen a steep rise in inflation which has no doubt distorted economic plans and projections made by businesses, governments and households at the beginning of the year. Adjusting to this sharp rise in prices of goods and services has been very demanding especially for a new government with immense responsibilities on its shoulders, working with a budget made by its predecessor on the basis of assumptions that no longer hold.
  29. On the basis of facts available to my office, we have done quite well in the implementation of the 2023 budget of N160.5 billion and the projection is that we would go well past the 60% budget implementation mark achieved in 2022. We have remained transparent and open in the presentation of our budget performance report and this has helped in giving the citizens a good understanding of how public resources are being used. The target is to do better in 2024 by making the most of the feedback we got from the public over the last two quarters.
  30. The 2024 budget proposal which we christened the “Budget of New Beginning” targets the expansion of our public infrastructure in line with our new development targets, scaling up access and quality service delivery in the social sector, with special focus on education and health where we are proposing to commit more than 20% and 15% of the aggregate budget spending respectively.
  31. The State is proposing a total expenditure of Five Hundred and Sixty-Seven Billion, Two Hundred and Forty Million, Ninety-Five Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy-Two Naira (N567, 240, 095, 972. 00) in the 2024 fiscal year.
  32. The above figure, in nominal terms, represents more than N400 billion rise from the 2023 estimate of N160.5 billion although when adjusted for inflation and fall in the value of the naira, the reality becomes starkly different.
  33. The key distinction in the 2024 budget estimate, however, is in the direction of spending. While the 2023 projection allocated 53% of the entire budget for capital expenditure, our target in the 2024 fiscal year is to spend 84% of the total expenditure on capital projects and commit 16% to recurrent expenditure, as against 47% in the 2023 estimates.
  34. Of the proposed figure, government’s estimated total revenue is N166,077,717,058 including earnings from our IGR channels, Federation Accounts Allocation Committee (FAAC), grants from multilateral organisations and income from other revenue sources that will be available to the state government over the course of the accounting year.
  35. We plan to finance the deficit of N401, 162, 378, 914 partly by new borrowings estimated at N385, 271, 027, 214. 50% of this borrowing will be sourced externally, whilst the balance will be procured domestically.
  36. It must at this point be stated that all borrowing in the 2024 fiscal year would be committed strictly to capital development projects with direct impact on the economy of the state, especially roads, schools and medical facilities. The projection is that the impact of these projects on the general economy in the medium to long term would generate the sufficient returns that would enable the state meet its obligation to the creditors smoothly and ultimately pay off the loans in due course.
  37. The assurance I want to give Mr Speaker, Honourable members and to every Abian is that under my watch, not a dime shall be borrowed to finance recurrent expenditure. All borrowing will be negotiated on terms that are favourable to the state.
  38. Rebuilding the state’s public infrastructure requires the sort of targeted financing we cannot immediately access within the state so there is the need to borrow to fund the projects that would kick-start the economy and make us competitive on a global scale.
  39. More importantly, the citizens and other stakeholders would have the opportunity to monitor how the funds are being spent and the impact of the projects on their communities, from inception to completion. This is very important to guarantee transparency and as a listening government, your inputs would always be very important in our decisions.
  40. In the 2024 fiscal year, the state proposes to commit 44.76% of the budget on the economic sector with the larger chunk of the resources going into works, (16.97%), land and housing (9.9%), agriculture (5.12%), and finance, (5.23%).
  41. We shall be committing major resources in the 2024 financial year to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of some of the most important roads along the major economic corridors of the state. The budget has provided for completion of some of the projects we started in 2023 including Port Harcourt Road Aba, Ossah Road, Umuahia-Uzuakoli-Abariba-Ohafia Road, Ozuabam-Ndi Okereke- Arochukwu Road, the dualisation of Umuikaa-Umuene-Omoba Road, Dualisation of Owerrinta-Umuikaa Road, Nunya-Eluama-Isuikwuato Road, Onuimo-Abia Tower Road amongst others as well as the commencement of new road projects in all parts of the state.
  42. For housing, the state shall be partnering with reputable private developers to develop new mass housing projects in our major urban locations. We are not just looking to erect blocks of flats; our target is to develop sophisticated urban locations that answer to the housing needs of our upwardly mobile youth population, young families and diaspora population.
  43. In agriculture, we are proposing to designate Bende, Ukwa and Umunneochi LGAs as Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones (SAPZ). Our SAPZs will be structured to serve as major hubs for the production, aggregation, processing and distribution of major agro-commodities produced in these areas for improved value in the local and international markets.
  44. The government proposes to commission Site-dedicated infrastructure in each of the zones including gas-solar powered energy plants, quality road infrastructure, optic fibre, water treatment facilities and ancillary support structures to drive the activities along these agro corridors.
  45. In the same vein, 40.07% of the total budget is proposed to be committed to the social sector with the bulk of the resources going into education (20%), healthcare (15.04%), youth and sport development, (3.17%).
  46. Items proposed in the social sector include the renovation of 300 public primary and secondary schools across the 17 LGAs of the state, infrastructure upgrade at the State College of Education, the retooling of 3 technical schools across the 3 senatorial districts, the procurement and installation of world class modern health facilities at 3 general hospitals across the 3 senatorial districts of the state, the construction of a standard medical village to stem the tide of medical tourism, the construction of the Nsulu Sports and Entertainment Complex, construction of community sports hubs in all the 17 LGAs of the state, construction of digital skills and innovation centres across the 3 senatorial districts and so much more.
  47. Our intent is clear: we are prioritising the projects that have direct impact on the economic and social life of the citizenry in line with our commitment to using the levers of government to serve the needs of the common people.
  48. Mr Speaker, I want to specially appreciate this Honorable House for the speedy passage of the Greater Aba Development Authority (GADA) Bill. I am also glad to announce that I have signed the bill into law and going forward, GADA will serve as the administrative vehicle to drive the social and economic development of Aba in line with my campaign promise to give priority attention to the rapid development of Aba and ultimately return it to its glory days. There has never been any doubt about what we intend to do in Aba and I am expectant that with the setting up of GADA as a legal administrative structure, developments in Aba will be better streamlined as we find in other major cities across the world.
  49. As I promised at a media briefing earlier in the month, we shall be implementing a pay rise for our civil servants to reflect the present economic realities in the country. This shall be implemented in the New Year and provision for that has been made in the 2024 budget. The government will continue to prioritise the welfare of its employees even as we expect to see greater commitment from our civil servants who are major stakeholders in the implementation of our governance agenda.
  50. We shall continue to support the conventional security establishments to improve the security of life and property in all parts of the state. Let me repeat my earlier warning that criminality in whatever guise shall have no place in the New Abia. We are open for business and any threat to this goal shall be met with the full weight of the law.
  51. We understand the economic realities in the country and shall continue to do everything in our powers to support individuals seeking to make an honest living through hard work in legitimate endeavours. The government is already making arrangements to revive as many of our moribund industries as available resources and economic reasoning permit.
  52. We are currently in discussions with those with stakes in these companies to see how we can restructure the existing agreements and have the establishments come back on stream because we are a pro-business government, committed to actively supporting the private sector to massively create jobs for our people.
  53. Mr Speaker, Honourable Members and Ndi Abia, I invite us all to look to the future with great optimism. We are coming from a very difficult place but none of the difficulties of the past can diminish the potentials of this great land. A new beginning awaits us and I request everyone to come on board as we work to rebuild and restore the glory of our fatherland.
  54. As I lay this bill before this Honourable House, may I reassure you Mr Speaker and the Honourable members that you will get all the necessary cooperation from my team as Abians look to the speedy and diligent consideration of the 2024 budget proposal.
  55. Mr. Speaker, Honourable members of the house, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening and may our good God continue to bless you all.

Dr Alex C. Otti, OFR.

      • May otti succeed and may abia succeed 🙏

        • 1 year ago
        • I am Glad to read this Through to the end. it’s a good one coming in
          I am Proudly Abian
          We hope for the best Always.

          • 1 year ago
          • This it great! But I’m surprised that though mention has been made on social sector, nothing was said specifically regarding Music and movie industries respectively as these two industries are usually underated.

            • 1 year ago
            • I’m pleased in various ways by the nature and size of 2024 appropriation just submitted to ABHA. Again, this is the first time in the history of our previously misgoverned state we’re proposing a budget of that size even though in norminal terms.

              Even after adjustment for inflation, it’s still far higher than the ones earmarked by previously incompetent governors. However, I’m not surprised given Dr Otti’s financial and managerial background. The major reason I left my base to come campaign heavily for you and convinced many to vote for you. I’m glad you won.

              Moving ahead, full implementation of the budget and realizing financial projection are uphill tasks that must be vigorously pursued.

              Finally, HE Dr., Otti, in as far as our urban areas with particular attention to Aba should be given facelifts given its place in our local economy, our rural communities like Usaka Ukwu in Ikwuano where Ariam-usaka Ring Road had been awarded and abandoned by past dubious administrations in Abia State, should be looked into.

              To make your development efforts penetrate and be deeply felt, our rural communities should receive considerable attention in the scheme of things for accelerated socio-economic development and integration.


              • 1 year ago
              • Reading through this Bill gave me a renewed hope that my dear Stat Abia is on its way to greatness. Your excellency may the grace to birth tbese visions be made available to you and your cabinet. . Thank you for taking this step in the right direction.
                Long live Abia and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. FORWARD EVER!!!

                • 1 year ago
                • Thank you your excellency governor Alex Otti. Abians appreciate the hard work of you and your team.

                  • 1 year ago
                  • Excellent draft budget presentation my Governor!

                    I’m sincerely pleased with the level of achievement from the current administration in my darling state, Abia. I can say for free that this is the first time Abia state is coming out in plain terms presenting an annual budget that looks real and speaks to the challenges on ground.

                    With the achievements of this government in the past 6 months, even though with little resources available, one can only imagine the level of achievements this government would achieve with her budget in a full financial year.

                    I must reiterate one fact here; no good government can achieve without a realistic budget(just like the one presented by my darling Governor, Sir Alex Otti). The amount might look huge, but he has told us how to finance it.

                    God bless my governor
                    God bless his cabinet
                    God bless my darling state, Abia

                    • 1 year ago
                    • I sincerely commend your Excellency for your relentless effort towards making Abia a great state. In light of your numerous achievements within a short time frame,I would want to also remind you of Umuahia-Ikoto Ekpeni road,that has been in a bad state under the previous administration. I kindly appeal to your good office to look into that road project. May Gods wisdom always guide you to lead right. Long live your Excellency!

                      • 1 year ago
                      • Good luck Mr. Governor.
                        And God’s speed.

                        • 1 year ago
                        • Great job

                          • 1 year ago
                          • Greetings Your Excellency,
                            I am pleased by the outstanding way your administration has started. I am also optimistic about the prospects of the future. I would however, love to make a comment on improving the economy of Abia.

                            What transforms a city from under developed or developing to smart city is hinged on majorly 5 pillars namely; Power, Transportation, Waste Management, Security and Real estate.

                            Your Excellency, you are moving in the right direction however, I believe an improved strategy on transportation would further improve the economy of Abia in addition to the great efforts to good road networks. I appeal to Your Excellency to build the Outer Circular Roads (OCR) in the state keeping in mind future introduction of dedicated bus lanes.

                            If the administration due to limited resources can’t fund modern terminals and bustops and fund modern intra-city buses, at least it can begin to make do with providing the road infrastructure that will attract investors.

                            I would like to mention at this point that my team have developed a product and system that can be deployed in management of intra-city transportation of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). We can have an audience with you if you need us to.

                            Thank you for your service to Ndi Abia.

                            Warm regards,

                            Daniel Obioma Mmaduka
                            From: Umuagu Ohuhu, Umuahia North LGA. Abia State

                            • 1 year ago
                            • God bless you sir you are doing well

                              • 1 year ago
                              • Using the medium to appreciate my governor Dr. Alex C. Otti.
                                I don’t know if we have plans towards our brothers who cause the debris in our city, especially Aba of which most are just ignorance of their responsibilities as citizens that they have the primary duty of maintaining a clean environment before any government agency will step in.
                                In my opinion, public enlightenment program will go a long way in addressing this menace.
                                Together we can make our city Aba the cleanest city….
                                God bless Abia state…

                                • 1 year ago
                                • I really want to use this opportunity to say once again a big congratulations to all Abians. This is indeed a new dawn for us. This budget is indeed people’s oriented. Let’s do all we can to support the government to succeed. It will be a win win for all. I will plead that all interstate and intercommunity roads be made motorable that will really boost our development. If people can stay in a traffic for more than two hours in some places, then some of us can stay in Aba while working in Port Harcourt provided the check points on that roads is reduced. Thank you sir. More grace to you and your team. God bless Abia State.

                                  • 1 year ago
                                  • This is the dream and the desire that has burn in my life within the last 16 years.
                                    I have prayed and hoped for a government like this and I thank God Almighty that it’s happening now and am alive to see it. Our God given Governor, Dede Oti, God will bless you.
                                    All you have said is acceptable and agreed by all Abians and go forward ever and backward never.
                                    abeg dualization of ururu uka road from waterline to isigate Umuahia is very much needed.
                                    God bless Abia State.

                                    • 1 year ago
                                    • Good morning your Excellency. l am full of prayers for you and your government. You have started well and wish that God will sustain your strength and your vision. We are indeed in a new dawn. Please don’t fail to weed in your government those who do not share your vision for the new Abia. I wish you Gods grace.

                                      • 1 year ago
                                      • Great 👍

                                        • 1 year ago
                                        • a budget of hope …

                                          • 1 year ago
                                          • Dear Governor Otti,

                                            I am writing to express my heartfelt congratulations on the successful passage of the 2024 budget. This is a significant achievement that demonstrates your commitment to the development of Abia State.

                                            I applaud your vision for the state and your dedication to improving the lives of all Abians. I am particularly impressed with your focus on youth development and economic growth. I believe that investing in these areas is essential for Abia State to reach its full potential.

                                            In this regard, I would like to suggest that the state invest more in sports development. Sports can play a vital role in promoting healthy lifestyles, fostering social cohesion, and generating revenue.

                                            Football, boxing, and darts are just a few examples of sports that can be harnessed to improve Abia State’s internally generated revenue. By investing in coaching, training, and infrastructure, Abia State can develop world-class athletes who can compete at the highest levels of international competition. Winning teams can attract major sponsorships and generate significant revenue from ticket sales, merchandise, and television broadcasting rights.

                                            In addition to attracting revenue, sports can also boost tourism and create employment opportunities. Abia State can host international sporting events, such as tournaments and championships, which would attract visitors from all over the world. These events would also create jobs in the hospitality, transportation, and entertainment industries.

                                            I believe that investing in sports is a sound investment that will pay off in the long run. It will not only improve the lives of Abia State’s youth but also generate revenue and create jobs.

                                            Thank you for your time and consideration. I am confident that your leadership will continue to guide Abia State towards a brighter future.

                                            Dr Onwuka

                                            • 1 year ago
                                            • God bless you sir. I pray for God’s wisdom to rule the state more perfectly.

                                              • 1 year ago
                                              • Introductory and induction budget on a sound footing. I look forward to post-induction budgets that would solidify Abia, especially Aba as the Japan of Africa. Kudos and keep up the momentum. Ala Igbo will work again.

                                                • 1 year ago
                                                • His Excellency, Dr. Alex Otti,

                                                  This is the first time in my 38 years of seeing the Abia state budget made open and transparent before all Abians and the world. I am very delighted sir. Thank you so much your Excellency for all you have done already within your few months in office. I am optimistic that your government will be completely different from what Abia State has known in the past 20 years. Now we can say that we have a government where leadership is transparent, accountable and responsible. Keep up the good work Sir. I believe in the coming years, Abia State will never need to borrow again but will generate enough revenue from within the state to drive a robust economy. His Excellency Sir, you know how important Aba as a business hub of Abia State, therefore I suggest we need more fly overs in Aba to decongest the roads and solve the problem of hold up on the roads. Secondly sir, Abia State is blessed with many talented young people but majority of them are on the streets because they can’t afford the exorbitant school fees in the State. Kindly look into this sir. Education should be the right of every Abia child. If scholarships are made available and school fees in our state universities are affordable, the number of touts in our streets will reduce. More Grace to you your Excellency. God is on your side and the good people of Abia State are glad to have you as their governor. I am praying for you. I look forward to seeing your name printed in gold as the best governor in Abia State according to the order of Dee Sam Mbakwe.

                                                  • 1 year ago
                                                  • Good evening sir, Mr governor with excitement in my heart I’ll proudly say you’re God sent to our beloved Abia State. Sir this budget says it all that truly you want the best for Abia State and I appreciate your love for Ndi Abia. Mr governor what are your plans concerning the former Umuahia mine market?
                                                    also in your speech you didn’t talk what your government is doing to increase the power supply in our unbans and rural areas. The God who has made you the Moses of our time will continue to protect you against those that don’t want you to take NDI Abia to the promise land. God bless Abia State
                                                    God bless the executive Governor of Abia State.

                                                    • 1 year ago
                                                    • I am grateful to God for blessing Abia state with a man of integrity as her Governor.. God bless you sir as we await more beautiful Governance from you.. please try to create more room for us who are not employed Sir.. God bless you your Excellency and God bless Abia state.

                                                      • 1 year ago
                                                      • Thank you so much sir.

                                                        I’m excited to see this day, so far you have proven that Abia can be great again and we are solidly behind you sir.

                                                        But a quick one sir.

                                                        In a way to solving the unemployment issue in the state. I think one of the things we can do is to begin directing our youths towards the direction of tech.

                                                        Tech is one skill that will not only solve the unemployment issue, it also make a people smarter and more enlightened. And one of the ways to achieve this is by motivating the ons that are already in tech a d encourage everyone to also teach as many a Ian’s as they can.

                                                        With this spread in personal development, the work is made easy for the government.

                                                        Thank you sir. Please keep doing good.

                                                        • 1 year ago
                                                        • This’s more like what I read from developed country’s government. Can budget actually be this ppl focused in Nigeria?

                                                          The only suggestion I have is that u should digitise every sector and mechanise every production sector in Abia state. These will help fight corruption, show transparency and accountability. Overall, it will cut cost.

                                                          • 1 year ago
                                                          • his excellency Dr Alex otti I join may good people of Nigeria to celebrate your determination to see abia working again, u have proven beyond doubt dat u actually know what it takes to rebuild abia as u promised during campaign, I love how u have rehabilitated abia roads, market and other great projects.sir I want you to continue in dis part , don’t allow anyone to squander any money meant for any project, remember enemies of abia state will be looking for what dey will use against u don’t give dem chance to use fcc or other agencies to drag ur name to de mud, u shall succeed in achieving your great visions for abia state in Jesus name amen,God bless you and bless abia state

                                                            • 1 year ago
                                                            • you’ve done well sir God bless you.
                                                              sir please we are grateful for the ABSUTH renovation but hope that you remember the uncompleted faculty of Engineering in ABA.
                                                              Long live the Governor!

                                                              • 1 year ago
                                                              • Please sir. I want to thank you for your good work In Abia state. God will bless you and give you the wisdom to lead. Please Aba power is the worst thing we are experiencing in Aba. There’s no light and every month they will come with a big bill. We are paying for darkness in Aba. Please help.

                                                                • 1 year ago
                                                                • I wish to first commend His excellency Alex Otti immensenly for so much he has already done for Abians in less than a year in office, God bless you sir.

                                                                  I wish to request that you see to the improvement of the supply of electricity in our dear state, expecially Okpu Umuobo and so many other places of interest.

                                                                  I hope to see an immediate implemtation on this.
                                                                  Yours faithfully,
                                                                  Bright Hyman.

                                                                  • 1 year ago

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